# Projects A list of the projects I'm working on or maintaining, with a short introduction. ## Python ### aioipinfo A simple, async ipinfo.io client. Github 📚 Docs ### caic-python A Python library for interacting with the Colorado Avalanche Information Center's observation data. Github 📚 Docs ### pyhatching An async HTTP client to interact with the Hatching Triage Sandbox API (tria.ge). Github 📚 Docs ### stormlibpp StormLib++ | Python objects that make life as a Storm service developer easier Github 📚 Docs ## Synapse ### Rapid Power-Ups #### dnsstorm A Synapse Rapid Power-Up that brings DNS over HTTPS capabilities to a Cortex Github #### lookupstorm A Synapse Rapid Power-Up for looking up common atomic indicators in Synapse as strings rather than a `
=` pair. Github 📚 Docs ### Storm Services #### yarastorm A Storm service that facilitates Yara scanning from a Synapse Cortex Github 📚 Docs